Friday, November 15, 2002

11/8-11/02 Davy Crockett National Forest Trip Report

Nov. 8-11, 2002
Davy Crockett National Forest - by George Boemerman
Seventeen Trail Tamers, including two brand new folks and two from the E-Corp attacked the handicapped access trail with vigor. The weather was great (actually a bit warm) and the camp sites were nice. Pealie and Merlinda (the Davy Crockett Forest Rangers) also worked right along with us.

Most folks arrived on Friday, Nov. 8. Raymond Fore cooked a super spaghetti dinner for all of us. On Saturday, we laid timbers to border the trail and started laying a trail base of crushed limestone and gravel. That evening Bob Saegert, our illustrious Cajun chef, fried two specially marinated turkeys for us. They were mouthwatering! To complement Bob’s culinary efforts, George Boermerman baked peach cobbler in the dutch oven, serving it hot with whipped cream.

Sunday, a well-fed crew returned to work on the trail project while four split off to accomplish some back-country work. A trail bridge had washed out during a recent storm and had to be replaced with a new one, plus one other had to be repaired.
Monday morning, it was more trail laying work plus time to start putting the handrails up on the board portion. After a "tool" delay, Raymond Fore finally was able to get that portion of the project started.

Most folks left by noon on Monday, but some stayed to help Raymond on the handrails. It appears we should be able to finish the project during our next work session in January or February. The following members all did a great job: Janette Barlow, Mike Beard, Terence Donovan, Raymond Fore (project leader), George Boemerman (his assistant), Mike Rodgers, Chuck Lundstedt, Rocky Nelson, David Justice, Fred Winkler, Bill Kemp, Pam MacKenzie, and Bob Saegert. From E-Corp, Robin Petty and Lisa Slate. There were also two new members, Delores Goodrich and Jeanette Smiecinsky.

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