Wednesday, August 28, 2013


A hardy bunch of trail tamers converged on the oldest state park in Texas on March 5th 2013 and worked for 2 days. The crew was led by Robert Gross. The rest of the team was made up of The Three Woodsmen of the Apocalypse, Ray, Chuck, and Riley (just Riley) as well as Charlie, Terrance, Mitch, Mae, and Andy.
Our primary task was to clear a huge amount of dead and downed trees and brush that was choking an area along a trail and dry creek near a very popular spot known as Indian Cave . Several other standing and partially downed trees in the area were also cut down and removed for chipping, shredding, and some to be removed later. Other work involved naturalizing the work area and cleaning up after the commercial chipping machine was used. After  quite a while of trial and error Ray guided the set up of a rope and pulley system using our large hand truck and powered by his Ram truck to pull the dead material up a steep slope to be chipped up.
Over 116 man hours were worked by the crew to get the job done. The park superintendant, Ms. Huth, seemed pleased with our work. She was very accommodating to all involved and everyone had a great time since Riley told us a few of his stories around the camp fire. The park still contains a lot of dead trees and brush due to the drought and a past flood. Much work remains even though the park is open and has some great scenery.
by Andrew Waters, crew member who lived it!

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