Sunday, February 1, 2004

1/31/04 Acacia Preserve Trip Report

January 31, 2004
Acacia Preserve, Texas - by Lynda DeGroot

After postponing this project due to heavy rains, everything was great just one week later! Ten Trail Tamers met at the Side Saddle Cafe in Dripping Springs and convoyed to the preserve where we were met by the owner, Nancy Moore. After a brief discussion about what she wanted us to do, we grabbed our tools and set about clearing as much cedar as we possibly could, but we sure could have used a chain saw or two! At any rate, with nothing more than bow saws, folding handsaws and loppers, we managed to cut, drag and stack cedar limbs in dozens of huge piles. (Nancy is in the process of trying to remove much of the cedar in order to allow native grasses to re-establish themselves. She's helping this along by scattering as much seed by hand as possible.)
After taking a quick lunch break, we finished up, rounded up the tools and at about 2:30 pm we headed out with Nancy in the lead. She took us to a place where we were able to access Dead Man's Hole without having to hike all the way. This new access point brought us to the top of the grotto where the waterfall goes over into the pool below. It was beautiful! If you know what Hamilton Pool looks like, this is almost a twin but much more pristine! What a great treat and wonderful way to end a hard day's work.

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