Tuesday, December 21, 2004

12/18/04: Turkey Creek Trail at Emma Long Park

Emma Long Metropolitan Park
December 18, 2004 - by Bill Kemp
On December 18, 2004, 13 volunteers and 4 park personnel spent the day working on the Turkey Creek Trail at Emma Long Metropolitan Park.

We worked on a variety of tasks. We closed off several social trails by placing rocks and brush along the sides of the trail. We built check dams to prevent further erosion on several steep parts of the trail. We replaced stepping-stones across the creek that had been washed away by the recent heavy rains. The rock carriers came in handy to carry the rocks we needed. We felled a dead tree that was hanging on another tree and used the downed timber to block off a social trail. Finally, several volunteers removed several hundred wax leaf ligustrum that had invaded the area along the creek. Rene Barrera of Austin Parks and Recreation was very pleased with our progress.

Bill and Paula prepared a lunch of chili, tamales, cornbread and peach cobbler. Snacks and beverages were also served. The food was purchased with a generous grant from REI. Our volunteers were: Fred Winkler, Charles Wortz, Joan Laves, Angie Hardy, David Huebel, Erik Gribbin, Tita Owre, Jan More, Jim Reed, Thierry Debelle, Terence Donovan, Jerry Levenson and Bill Kemp.

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