Wednesday, August 28, 2013


May 14 thru May 16 2013 In the Pine woods of east Texas our assignment for this work trip was to continue the cleanup of the heavily damaged Lake Ratcliff Recreation Area in the Davy Crockett National Forest. The area remains closed due to high wind damage to the forest and there is still a lot of work to be done before the Park service can reopen the Recreation area to camping and general use.
Our leader there as usual was Ray 4, the other two Woodsmen of the Apocalypse, Chuck, and Riley (just Riley) were with him. The rest of the tamer crew was Derly, Mike, John, Robert, Charlie, and Andy .
This particular trip was dedicated to splitting wood, a lot of wood that was downed trees that had already been cut into pieces that would fit into powered splitting machines. Ray explained that the 2 machines would do all the work for us. We found out quickly he erred in telling us that. For a day and a half we split wood as fast as we could and then distributed it around the camping area for later use in some good old campfires. Ray and Chuck also dismantled several camping sites that we no longer useable.  The two teams of wood splitters had quite an argument about who split the most wood. We did not have an impartial judge so there was no declared winner and we did not settle the age old question of "How much wood would a woodchuck split if a woodchuck could split wood" or something like that!
 About mid day of the second day the rains came and work was halted, fun began and a good time was had by all. Again Riley came thru with his famous "Stories Around the Campfire".
The Rec area may be opened by this fall after several years of closure. The Trail Tamers will return when Ray 4 calls.
by Andy, crew member who lived it

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