Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Policy on Illegal Substances, Drugs and Alcoholic Beverages

• Purpose
➢ The purpose of establishing a policy on drugs and alcoholic beverages is to insure that the tranquility, health, safety and well being of members of the Central Texas Trail Tamers (CTTT) is not jeopardized by wrongful acts of non-thinking individuals.
• Definitions
➢ Prohibited Activities - activities that shall not be conducted during a CTTT sanctioned activity.
➢ Regulated Activities - activities that may take place if done so in accordance with prevailing laws, medical advice and after having been disclosed to the CTTT leader.
• Prohibited Activities
➢ Purchase, possession, transportation, use, transfer or sale of any illegal substance.
➢ Consumption of alcoholic beverages on the job or work period as specified by the crew leader.
➢ Use of public funds including sponsorship contributions, activity fees, grants or other donations to purchase alcoholic beverages.
➢ Consumption of alcoholic beverages during the eight-hour period prior to operations of vehicle or machinery. Designated non-drinking drivers will be assigned to drive to and from functions where alcoholic beverages are served.
• Regulated Activities
➢ Possession and use of prescriptions drugs during and immediately prior to participation in any project must be in accordance with the prescription and disclosed to the group leader and his medical representative.
➢ Possession and use of a non-prescription drug will be at the discretion of the user, but disclosure to the group leader and his medical representative is encouraged. In cases where proper usage may impair coordination or cause drowsiness, disclosure is required.
➢ Use of tobacco products is permitted but the health and safety of non-users shall prevail. Smoking may be prohibited entirely in certain areas and at times of high fire hazard.
➢ Possession, transportation, display and consumption of alcoholic beverages shall conform to the rules established by the authority having jurisdiction over the project, i.e. National Park Service, U.S. forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, Texas Parks and Wildlife, etc.
➢ Private consumption during non-duty hours is permitted if not otherwise prohibited up to eight hours prior to the start of the work period.
➢ Public consumption of alcoholic beverages after the work period shall be at the discretion of the CTTT group leader. Each individual is responsible for his/her behavior and shall not infringe on the rights of others to enjoy the peace and serenity of the area.
• Repercussions
➢ Violation of this policy and/or disregard for the spirit and intent of this policy shall result in termination of an individual's privilege to participate in current and future CTTT projects.
➢ Participants acting in a manner that is unsafe to themselves and/or others shall be asked to leave the activity and may be required to do so at their own expense. The CTTT Leader will, if necessary contact the local authorities to enforce this policy.

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